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SinusTrack is a sinus tracker it is used to track the symptoms of sinus.
SinusTrack is designed to aid you in getting an better understanding of your sinus condition.
When you have sinus, record how bad and how it affects you in SinusTrack after a a few weeks of recording when you have sinus, you may see a patten as to when you are getting sinus, such as the times and the days you are getting sinus.

I wrote this App as I have chronic sinus, and have overtime learned to deal with sinus through understanding when I get sinus, so I can track it to environments and what I eat for example. The reason for the App, is that I wanted somewhere to record the information quickly and easily so that I can understand my sinus better.

I've just relesased SinusTrackLite a free but limited version of SinusTrack

Download SinusTrack on the android market
Available in Android Market

Follow @sinustrack